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Faceted Search
(Ability to search for specific properties of objects)
Faceted search allows you to perform additional filtering on your objects by referencing a combination of custom fields that you created. This allows a simpler search interface without having to complicate the labeling system. Your customers will have the option of running complex multi-level / combination search requests for your product or service to meet their need(s).
Example: Premium videos with accounts / live broadcasters having eyes that are (blue or
brown), waist that is small, hair that is short, ethnicity that is (white, black, or asian), etc...
The same technology can also be used on the backend to perform additional filtering on the content level. For example, this can be used to enable an inappropriate content filter that is completely governed by your viewers. If someone flags a piece of content, the content will immediately be filtered out. You then have the ability to review all flagged content and have the option of re-enabling it and preventing it from being flagged further.
The power of the faceted search can go a step further to even allow flagging the owner of the inappropriate content. This can be extremely useful if your site allows user uploaded content. With one setting, you can immediately filter all content by that user and then appropriately deal with the situation later without worrying about future disruptions from that user.
Another example would be the reverse, where you can let your users upload content immediately upon signup, but their content wouldn’t appear publicly until you approved their account. This allows your users to remain engaged in setting up their account, without risking the spamming of your site.
When creating your websites, you should take into consideration the following options:
- Multi-Level Search: Metrixstream has the ability to set default search requirements on both the content, account, content of account, and account of content levels.
- Whitelist: Faceted search is not enabled by default. Because some custom fields are for internal referencing only, it would be a security risk to expose the ability to search by every possible custom field. This is why we provide a whitelist mechanism, where you are able to have control over what fields are triggered via the URL. You can whitelist these parameter names globally within the site or on a per page basis.